Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Congratulations On Being Pregnant Why Do People Always Say "congratulations" When You Tell Them You're Pregnant?

Why do people always say "congratulations" when you tell them you're pregnant? - congratulations on being pregnant

I understand that to congratulate you, when you say marry. But it is different.

It is almost Knocked Up is a masterpiece, and for some people is really a terrible tragedy.


Love said...

Well, I agree with you that .... sometimes there are situations, and that's not something they want, at this moment in time, as a bit of praise is in order ...
Some people simply do not understand, and the other respondents to your question is obviously not pro-life and pro-choice, as I am ...
To each his own ...

Kristin S said...

I personally believe that a child is a tragedy, "terrible". Every baby is a cause for celebration, so I say congratulations to new mothers. Some people always try again for months, without success, and when it finally arrives, he is a great success.
Congratulations thats used as a monumental event in anyones life. If you have a child changes your life and your child what his life around.
Pregnancy is a big part of life for most people .. and deserve to be congratulated for having come to this experience. IMO.

Kate said...

Long before the day of an unwanted pregnancy on everything that was good that people are married, children, and it was somewhat pleased to announced that it has been. Everyone is just opening legs and becomes pregnant. A baby is a blessing. Congratulations usually occurs after a right of passage "so to speak, graduations, new jobs, marriage and / or child.

I do not know accidentally mean in a bad way, I mean, unplanned.

Nikki G said...

Because it is always a part of something than you. He serves with the fate of man. You think you create a living vision of a different person. They give the ultimate gift. You never know why people say: "Congratulations," until the delivery room, the feeling that little kick you one last time and waved to them face to face for the first time the hand, fingers and feet to count, call it kissing, the smell ...
It is a miracle.

Anonymous said...

I think it is a kind of performance. And there is more than sharing the joy that most people when they learn they have a baby and learning to raise and love. I think if it is not something you wanted that was embarrassing to say congratulations to the people. But for most people a very good thing.

Abi said...

What is with you, really? I have seen many negative things that women once they are pregnant. Many of us here in good health, stable and sufficient financial relationships to bring a child into this world and are delighted to do so. If you feel comfortable on the other hand, as fertility, then please, do not in any case. But there is no reason in a negative light for those of us who do not see too. I'm not prejudiced against women who choose to remain childless. This is a very personal choice and no choice should be frowned on.

Abi said...

What is with you, really? I have seen many negative things that women once they are pregnant. Many of us here in good health, stable and sufficient financial relationships to bring a child into this world and are delighted to do so. If you feel comfortable on the other hand, as fertility, then please, do not in any case. But there is no reason in a negative light for those of us who do not see too. I'm not prejudiced against women who choose to remain childless. This is a very personal choice and no choice should be frowned on.

Jessica Ann ♥ its a GIRL! said...

For many women have, the difficulties with the concept, it is quite a feat. Most women are satisfied with their pregnancy and the possibility of children. I am pleased to congratulate for the life growing inside me. For me, the very feat.

Passionate Prissy said...

A tragedy? The tragedy is that things do not keep their legs closed.

Weddings, babies, deserve our recognition. And it's a shame that you think a child is a tragedy. Each baby.

Weddings and babies, are as wondrous as the other.

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